快速软帘门 Fast-moving Soft Curtain Gate 西朗快速软帘门是设置在建筑物内外出入口,用软帘布做成的快速自动软帘门。使用有弹性而坚韧的**高密度聚氯乙烯涂层织物软帘,实现高速开闭(是钢铁制卷帘的约20倍),缩短出入口的开发时间,提高室内空调的效率,把室外的异物混入控制在较小限度,同时提高工作效率。为实现安全、卫生、节能的工作环境,为提高产品质量节减经费做出贡献。 xilang fast-moving soft curtain gates are established in entrance and exit of the building, made of the soft curtain. The elasticity but tenacious density polyvinyl chloride coating fabric soft curtain is used to reach fast-moving of opening and closing (about 20 times compared with the steel roll curtain),reduce the access time, enhance the efficiency of the air conditioning, minimum the possible of bringing foreign matters into the rom, simultaneously enhance the working efficiency. It contributes to reduce costs and provide a security, healthy,and economy workspace. 外形美观、颜色多样 Many fashionable style and colors available! 防止异物混入、防虫、防尘。 Preventing foreign matters, and insect-proof and dust-free *利用传感器达到非接触自动开闭。 Achieving to the non-contacted automatic on and off by the sensor *利用与其它机器的联动实现提高工作效率。 Working with the other machines to enhance operating efficiency *节能,提高空调效果。 Saves energy, enhances efficiency of the air conditioning 门口尺寸: 较大规格可达W5m*H5m(洞口宽*洞口高) 门帘抗风能力:25m/s配铝合金防风肋条 门帘抗拉强度:175KN/m 速度:开启、关闭:1.5-0.8m/s(变频可调速) Entrance Size: The maximum size:W5m*H5m(width*height) Wind resistant ability of curtain:25m/s, matches aluminum windproof rib Tensile strength of curtain:175kN/m Speed:open,close:1.5-0.8m/s(frequency speed control) 门体材料: 框架材料: 门框材质4.0mm厚银白工业铝合金立柱。 门框材质2.5mm厚冷轧板钢构,经折边加工和优质烤漆工艺处理而成,颜色可选择。 Plate Size Frame material: Doorframe material:4.0mm thick industry silver white aluminum alloy column. Doorframe material:2.5mm thick cold rolling plate steel construction after folding process and excellent baking varnish craft,many colors available 帘布材料: 可视窗: 采用全透明PVC软片,人员、车辆通过时增加了安全及管理方便性。配整体横向透明视窗。产地:日本,厚度:1.0mm 门帘: 门帘为高密度聚氯乙烯涂层热熔织物,产地:法国 厚度:0.8mm-1.0mm 门帘颜色:多种颜色可供选择 Curtain Material Visual Window: It is made of PVC full-transparent chips, increasing security and management expediency when people and vehicles go across, and matched overall crosswise transparent windows. Habitat;Japan Thickness:1.0mm Curtain: It is made of the density heat fuse polyvinyl-chloride coating fabric. Habitat:France Thickness:0.8-1.0mm Color:many colors available. 密封性能:底端装有弹性的PVC基布,可与不平坦地面紧密贴合。门框滑道装有密封毛刷,可减少噪音及增加防尘、防虫效果。 Sealing Property It's able to stick on the non-smooth ground closely because the bottom edge is loaded with elastic PVC chip.TO working for reducing noise levels, resisting dust andinsect,the chute of doorframe matched sealing brush. 西朗快速软帘门具有保温、保冷、防虫、防风、隔尘、隔音等多项功能。可较高的满足高性能物流及洁净厂房(1000级--100000级)节约能源,提高空调效果。高速自动开启、关闭,提高作业效率及环境品质。 xilang fast-moving soft curtain gates are the most effective method of cutting heat loss or retaining chili air in an area where you need to control the environment.And it also provides a barrier such as insect-proof,windproof, dust-separate and sound-insulated. It conforms to the conditions of high performance flows and pure workshops(grade1000-10000).Opening and closing automatic rapidly, the benefits are saving energy,enhancing efficiency of air conditioning and the quality of working space. 快速安全、满足高性能物流需要 使用环境: 室内通道、室外(特殊情况)、轻工业、食品业、电子行业、医药、仓储、超市、汽车制造业。 开关频繁、而需要快速关闭的环境。 分隔不同的温度区,需节约能源的环境。 WokingRange Channel inside,outside(special conditions),light industry,food industry,electronic profession,medicine manufacture,storehouses, supermarkets,automotive industry,and the professions with special environment conditions. A door which switches frequently,and needs to be closed immediately A space which separated into several different temperature areas and needed to reduce energy consumption. 传动系统: 德国*电机(或者是其他进口品牌),单相220V,50HZ、IP55,功率为0.75-1.5KW铝质外壳。 Transmission System German *(and other imported brands)motor,single-phase 220V,50HZ,IP55. Power:0.75-1.5KW,aluminum covering. 控制系统: 三菱变频器:实现分段控制速度,防止快速冲击引起传动刹车部件损坏,延长机器使用寿命。 三菱PVC可编程控制器:由专业工程人员设置编程,实现微电脑控制管理。 Control system Mitsubishi frequency convertor:control speed fragment,prevents the part damage of transmission brake caused by fast-moving as to make the machine service life longer. Mitsubishi PVC programmable controller:programmed by professional,controlled by microcomputers. 安全性能: 1、门体下部装有光电传感安全保护系统,人员、车辆通过时门体不下落。 2、门帘底部装有压力传感系统(安全防撞气囊)门体下落时轻微碰到障碍物,门会立即反向上升。 3、停电时附有手动摇杆,可轻松开启及关闭。 4、红色示警灯,门开启或关闭时,红灯闪烁以示警告。 5、自带故障恢复功能,关闭电源10秒通电后系统自动复位。 Security 1、The photo-electric sensor in bottom of the gate is a security system used to ensure the gate never down when people and vehicles go across. 2、The pressure sensor system(a safety against-hits air-bag)in the curtain base will reverse rise immediately when the gate down hitting the bumps. 3、The manual rocking bar opening and closing the gate easily when power off. 4、Red waring light flashes when opening or closing the gate. 5、After power off for 10 seconds,the error recovery system will reset automatically when power on. 启动方式: 1、手动按钮式(门体两侧按钮开启,可远程控制) 2、手动拉绳式(距门体两侧1--5米) 3、手动遥控式(有效距离30米内) 4、雷达感应式(检测移动物体,普通BEA有效3米、工业Herkules有效8米、人-车识别功能) 5、地磁环式(检测金属物体,灵敏度;高、中、低控制) 6、光电传感式(AUTONICS 镜面反射型有效距离5米、对射型10米) 7、互锁连动式(控制一樘开、一樘门开) 8、门禁刷卡式(防止随意进出的工作区域) Initialization Routine 1、Manual button type(buttons on both side of the gate,or remote control) 2、Manual rope type(apart from gate for1-5meters) 3、Manual remote control type(effective rang:30m) 4、Radar responding control type(exams locomotive object, ordinary BEA effective range:3meters,industry Herkules effective rang:8meters,with people-vehicle recognition function) 5、Terrestrial magnetic ring type(exams metal object sensitivity;High,middle or low control) 6、Photo electricity sensor type(autonics regular reflection effective range:5m,correlation:10m) 7、Mutually lock type(control on,off) 8、Entrance guard auto control type(prevents pass in and out working space freely) 快速卷帘门与普通门比较: Fast shutter doorsand door 快速卷帘门 普通卷帘门 尺寸 (3*3)m2 (3*3)m2 速度 2米/秒 0.2米/秒 3秒 3秒 60秒 空气的转移量 风速:3米/秒 风速:3米/秒 门的面种 9m2 9m2 开启实际需时 15秒 75秒 气流总量 1215m3 2025m3